Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Jumping to 2016 and a Weight off my shoulders

To make a long story short... I got fed up and retired... I was coming home most nights, and was mad as hell or crying about the Management increasing their ability to create more metrics for the department.

To know more, we have to know that every 18 months, their is a "Re-Org" of the department. Shit gets changed... someone up in the food chain gets whacked, and personnel are josseled around. Seems the worst ones get to keep their position, and the ones to disagree with poor management decisions get the Axe.

The latest Crime going around, is the replacement of personnel with H1B recruits... fast and furious. this mindset is the result of upper management not promoting from within, and NOW any new recruit has to be a "Senior level" to be considered for employment...
We now have half of the second floor with people that I cannot understand, and or have this ability to treat women with less then equivalent status... guven I've been with the company for then 18 years.

The old timers complain of the smell coming out of the "coffee room"... where microwave ovens are the most dreaded thing to open.

After an incident with one person who took over one of my "applications" that I supported...
bragging of their experience... then having the nerve to tell me what to do, ( because imo he either was lazy or hates women)... I has the Epiphany to get the hell out of dodge.
You can have this... tresat me like shit... not you can eat shit..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dupa Yash... aka my Boss

For those of you with a Polish decent, the phrase "dupa yash" comes to mind... even as a young person... listening to my parents talk in the dialect. Eventually their ignorance catches up and I figure it out.... "You talking to me". . .

So... I figure in todays society, indifference that is said, also seems to have the same reaction from me.

I've been noticing that for the last 4 years, that my "boss" decided to no longer greet me in the morning and the evening by my first name... he just saids hello...or... goodbye
Seems everyone else in my department has a first name except for me.

Me thinks that the boss has turned into a "Dupa Yash"... I have yet to compare him to a hole in the ground... maybe next year... if I'm still around.

So... jump ahead a couple years... the Boss one day just put in a One Day Notice and quit...
Now I have another "dupa yash", and he is worse then ever... Doesn't even know what the frick we do?

I love it then Corporations promote managers to positions they know nothing about...
Oh... forgot to tell you... This one lasted lasted a year...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Brain Stems, or B.S. with a Degree

I am in amasement with people who have College Degrees. Bachelors... Masters... all kinds.

I am astonished how some of these people seem to have been down some lofty path of Educational enlightenment, but establish themselves in the workplace as a "Brain Stem", with no fucking common sense.

I have considered writing a book with my 13 years of working for this big company I work for.

A big company that now requires any salary position to beholden to a Bachelors Degree or greater.

No internal promotions from within... if you dont have a degree.
Gone is the employee loyality... with no offer of those who wish to continue the "career chain"with a company who gives no credit for current job experience.
The employee is not considered "Loyal"... it is now a struggle... a job... not a career...
The employer has turned into a "Brain Stem"... answering to those at the TOP... no longer seeing the obvious of severing the employee/employer relationship... UNLESS... I go get a Degree?

A degree that I can get for $1000 at any internet site. does the make me $mart?

People spend 10's of thousands of Dollars to get this degree... and you can fool me for the lack of common sense these "brain stems" have.

Every week, I deal with people who talk so "high level" that they cannot understand the common sense answer.

They fail to grasp the obvious... in the workplace or out of it... i.e.
The fucking computer is infected with a virus.
All spots are taken.
The pipes are frozen.
You don't have a reservation.
No substitutions.
I'm on my lunch break.

Why do I have to go through a 10 minute dissertation of what is wrong... what's going to happen... how will it affect me... and the best Question... Why did This Happen?

Even when I give them the dissertation of what went wrong, they have the nerve to say.

"I know... so why does it keep happening?"

Umm.. surfing for Porn, and you can''t squelch it.
Your late for your meeting...again... that's why all spots are taken
Your pipes froze because it's cold outside.
You don't have reservation because you didnt make it. (bullshitter)
No substitutions mean no substitutions.
Your problem can't wait until I'm back from lunch. (workaholic)

...and we cannot forget... when something is broke at work... sometimes....

The other person below you in the corporate food chain is not doing their job.
The person not doing their job is the person your psychologically abusing/fucking with.
The person responsible for this problem is on a 2 week vacation... that some manager approved.
You micromanage to the extent that your staff goes mindless

I can't report you for having a brain stem for a mind, because the buck stops with you in this depearment.
If I went above you, I'd get fired, so the problem still exists.... even at the top... the top didn't start the business, they inherited this.

These same degreed managers couldn't fix what was broken anyway... You got this job because of your Degree... not because of your job knowledge.

This happens not just with the world of Computing and I.T. , but also in the world of politics, retail, medicine, camping, driving, religion, etc.etc.

Just because you have a Degree, doesn't make you a smarter person, or makes you above the rest.

Lets look at the Colleges that teach them....
You sit through classes... being taught by a "Instructor" who wanted to be something in his or her life, and "Failed"... and they have no choice but to teach, and pass on all those failed beliefs and core values to... you... the noble grasshopper... hoping to change the world and make a career.

Have you ever thought of the instructor and where their head is?
Did you know the instructor is an Alcoholic? ...(I know one)...
Maybe a Religious fanatic? ... that's a no brainer...
Could have a facination with young people?... Can you think of catholic priests that teach? (I can).
Maybe lost their job at the Corporation as a Director and now has to do this?
Heavens!... they wouldn't be working in the corporate secretary pool or a parts driver for NAPA.
they're smarter than that...

I think having a degree makes you a better educated bullshitter!
I believe it gives you the ability to psychologically abuse and push people around!
I believe you are taught this in college.
Why else would there be such abuse? Abuse is statistically perpetrated more by men.
I am starting to believe that as your brain goes through college, it gets so big, it detaches from you and floats in your head...All that's left is your "Brain Stem"... and there you go... you disconnect from all things of common sense.

I don't know of too many "highly educated" people working in the food sevice industry... I.E counter sales... with a degree... that's got to be hard work for them...
They would be asking too many questions... just give them the fucking food you Brain Stem!

I dont have a Degree, but I have experience that your degreed brain stem from college does'nt have.

I can have 15 years of loyalty.
15 years of seeing, learning, fixing, mastering, been there and done that... then along comes some manager who thinks everyone salaried, should NOW have a Degree from some university...

This manager is thinking with their Brain Stem... which is BS for short...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Not getting my moneys worth

Well last week the Boss calls me into his boss's office. and gives me the wonderful news that
I will not be getting a raise this year... Seems my salary is maxed out, in my pay grade level.
He will talk to his boss about it and let me know...
Well that was a week ago and still nothing...
We all got pulled in... separately to be told of our pay raises. Again I was told that I will not get anything...
The Boss seemed to give excuses about "HR should have caught this"... I wish I can give you something but me hands are tied... the system wont let me do it.

well.. It seems that I was the only one not getting a raise... Seems they don't like the token Gay person in their department. .. or in my opinion... someone upstairs has it out for me... and I can only thing of a couple of Alpha males that would be ass holes enough to do it...
so I'll stew for a while... I'll ignore attempts from the group to goto the coffee urn like a bunch of lemmings.

It's not fair that I have to bust my ass at this job, while I see others blatenly kiss my bosses ass.

I am in the bare minimum nice mode for the rest of the year...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Deciding to do it another way

When you drop a stone in the water, it creates a ripple in the water. That ripple spreads out in all directions.
Each of those ripples is an issue that gets created and spreads out over your life. Little did I know that the ripples remain... though they get smaller, each ripple of an event can last a long time. So... I cast myself into the water, and created a ripple effect. More of my ripple effect later...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Leaving holes in the Postings

Having a mind like cheddar cheeze... one hole may take you to another hole, and you can get through the cheeze... most times a hole goes nowhere. It's just a hole

Sometimes... or maybe all of the time, I banter on topics, and I do not move fluidly thru them.
Please xcuse the choppiness of the post.

I think faster then I type, and tangents run rampant thru the head.

...and you would think an Aquarius would be of fluid thought... or do you call that water on the brain?

Coming out to the band.

I've gigged a few times with some other gay performers. There's something going on behind the scenes with these bands that I don't understand... but I think it's "drama"... but first... lets go back for a moment...

I've been in "bands", "Projects", "jams".
Started right out of High School... going "Full Time" for 18 months . Then after that was the wedding band.
I miss the wedding band that consumed me for 30 years.
The players were all great. We had enough gigs that we had to turn many down.
After I told the band of me coming out, the band split up.... "supposedly".
Then after about 18 months, I got a call from the drummer asking me if I knew any Bass Players?
He had the fuckin balls to tell me the band is back together, and they were desparate for a bassist.
I hung up on him.
I found out who the guitarist was. It was my "Sub"... the guy who took my place when I was sick, or out of town.

So now I have to re-image myself all over again to a new market... Tough to do in a market. how many gay "musicians" do you know?
Elton John... Melissa Ethridge... keep going... .... ....
Maybe it's my attitide... a little bitter...
I try hard at auditions to do well. I've nailed 4 straight auditions in a row.
To me it's like riding a bicycle. It's not hard... the hardest part is knowing the style their looking for.
I can ride a bike, tho I do not do "Stunts". I'm not an agressive cyclist. I just ride, keeping up the pace... pass when I can... stop like I'm supposed to... just like playing a guitar.
I'm not a "Stunt" player... I'm not agressive... I don't "Shred" I dont play like "Vai" or Satch".
I just play and I think well for most "Pop" gigging situations.
I can't audition for everyone... sorry... my age prevents me... If I was 30 again, I'd be be knocking on many doors.
When you're over the big 5...0.... your chances for work is very slim... just like in the real world... sigh...

Being a regular gigging musician for 3 decades was one of my all time favorites.
Having a bad gig was better then a good day at work.
I'm not counting working at the music store for 2 years... but gigging was and is allways the best.
.... Of course I was straight all that time.....
even being out... it's the greatest...